Best Electric Scooters In Australia

Electric scooters are the new craze that everyone seems to be talking about – but which one is the best? We’ve all heard stories of people getting injured on their scooters, so it’s important to make sure you know what you’re getting into.

But don’t worry! We’re here to help. After months of testing and research, we’ve compiled a list of the best electric scooters available to help you decide which one is right for you. Ready for a wild ride? Let’s get started!

Overview Of Electric Scooters

Life in the fast lane has taken on a whole new meaning with the advent of electric scooters. Like a breath of fresh air, these revolutionary vehicles have upended the transportation industry. To get a better grasp of these marvels, let’s take a closer look at what they are and why they’re so popular.

The term ‘electric scooter’ covers a gamut of two-wheeled modes of transport, ranging from smaller models appropriate for kids to larger ones that can accommodate adults. Generally speaking, they’re powered by rechargeable batteries and propelled by electric motors, making them both eco-friendly and fun to ride. On top of that, some models even come equipped with features like headlights and taillights, plus additional safety measures like rearview mirrors and turn signals.

It’s not hard to see why electric scooters have become such a hit. Not only do they offer an efficient means of getting around town without breaking the bank on gas money or public transit fares, but they also provide an exciting way to experience the outdoors. Moreover, their portability makes them ideal for zipping through traffic jams or taking shortcuts through parks and other natural spaces. With all these benefits at hand, it’s no wonder that people everywhere are eager to hop on board this trend.

Top Pick: Electric Scooter

The Electric Scooter offers a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for urban commuters and enthusiasts alike.

With its sleek design and powerful performance, this electric scooter aims to revolutionize the way we travel short distances.

Whether you’re commuting to work or exploring the city, this scooter provides a fun and efficient way to get around.

Combines sleek design with powerful performance: Offering a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for urban commuters and enthusiasts.

Efficient motor and long-lasting battery: This electric scooter ensures a smooth and enjoyable ride, making it an excellent choice for short-distance travel.


  • Performance and Speed
  • Battery Life and Range
  • Compact and Portable


  • Limited Terrain Capability
  • Price

Ninebot KickScooter by Segway

The Ninebot KickScooter by Segway combines sleek design with powerful performance, making it an excellent choice for urban commuters and enthusiasts. With its lightweight construction and efficient motor, this electric scooter offers a fun and eco-friendly mode of transportation for short-distance travel.

Combines sleek design with powerful performance: Making it an excellent choice for urban commuters and enthusiasts.

Efficient motor and lightweight construction: This electric scooter offers a fun and eco-friendly mode of transportation for short-distance travel.


  • Performance and Speed
  • Battery Life and Range
  • App Integration


  • Price
  • Limited Terrain Capability

Factors To Consider When Buying An Electric Scooter

Coincidentally, it just so happens that you’re in the market for an electric scooter. That’s great news! Now you need to consider what factors will go into your purchase. Let’s review the key elements to think about before making your final decision.

First, know what type of riding you plan on doing and where. Answering this question can help narrow down which models are best suited for your needs. It also helps to determine how much power and speed you need from an electric scooter, such as a commuter or off-road model.

Next, look at the weight capacity and battery life for each model. Make sure the scooter you choose can support your weight and has enough range to get you where you need to go without having to recharge too frequently. Also take into account any extras that may be included with the scooter such as a basket or a stand. These features can make your ride more comfortable and convenient, especially when commuting long distances or carrying items along with you.

It’s important to compare prices between different brands and models of electric scooters so you get the most bang for your buck. Look around online or visit local stores for deals on scooters that suit your lifestyle best. With these factors in mind, you’ll be able to find an electric scooter that fits both your budget and your needs – allowing you to enjoy all of the benefits of owning one!

Different Types Of Electric Scooters

Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular. In fact, in the US alone electric scooter sales increased by 250% in 2020. It’s clear that people are looking for an efficient and convenient way to get around. When it comes to electric scooters, there are a variety of types to choose from.

The most popular type of electric scooter is a stand-up model. This type of scooter is designed with handlebars and a platform for your feet. The motor is powerful enough to take you wherever you need to go, while allowing you to have control over the speed and direction. Other options include seated electric scooters, folding electric scooters, and off-road electric scooters.

Seated models allow you to rest your feet while riding, but they can be bulky and hard to store when not in use. Folding scooters can be easily stored away when not in use, but they may not be as fast or powerful as other types of electric scooters. Finally, off-road models are designed with larger wheels and more rugged components so that they can handle tougher terrain than other types of electric scooters.

Whatever type of electric scooter you decide on, it’s important to do your research before making a purchase so that you know what features best suit your needs and lifestyle.

Benefits Of Using An Electric Scooter

It’s like a breath of fresh air to the otherwise smog-filled streets – electric scooters are here! Not only do they provide a much needed break from the hustle and bustle, but they come with plenty of benefits. Let’s take a look at what makes these two-wheeled machines such an appealing choice.

For starters, electric scooters are incredibly easy to use. All you need is a comfortable seat and handlebars and you’re ready to go. There’s no need for special training or licenses, so anyone can enjoy this mode of transport. Plus, with no exhaust fumes being released into the atmosphere, electric scooters offer an eco-friendly way to get around town.

Electric scooters also tend to be lightweight and portable, meaning you can take them with you wherever you go. This is great for those who want to beat traffic jams or make it through crowded city streets without breaking a sweat. What’s more, these vehicles can often reach speeds of up to 25 mph – making them ideal for getting around quickly and efficiently.

With their convenience and environmental friendliness, it’s not hard to see why electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular. Next up we’ll look at some of the most popular brands in the market today…

Popular Brands Of Electric Scooters

Who would have guessed that electric scooters are all the rage these days? What was once considered a toy for kids is now an essential part of many people’s lives. Not only are they much better for the environment than their gasoline-powered counterparts, but electric scooters also offer a number of other benefits. Now let’s take a look at some of the most popular brands of electric scooters on the market.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that one of the top electric scooter brands is Segway. Their ES line of scooters have become incredibly popular since their release, and they offer riders a unique riding experience with their self-balancing technology. XIAOMI is another popular brand, offering riders reliable performance at an affordable price. For those looking for something more high-end, Ninebot by Segway is definitely worth checking out – it’s even been featured in numerous Hollywood productions!

No matter what type of electric scooter you’re looking for, there are plenty of options to choose from. With so many great brands available, finding your perfect ride has never been easier!

Cost Comparison Of Electric Scooters

Cost is a major factor when buying electric scooters. So, it’s worth taking a look at the various models and their costs.

Different brands offer electric scooters in different price ranges. Some are quite affordable, while others may cost more than double the amount of the cheapest ones. It pays to do some research and compare prices before making a purchase. Look for discounts and special offers too. That way, you can get the best deal on an electric scooter that meets your needs without busting your budget.

It’s important to consider not only the upfront cost but also additional costs such as maintenance, repairs, or battery replacements over time. By taking all these factors into account, you can make an informed decision about which electric scooter is right for you at the most reasonable cost. Now let’s take a look at what features to look for when selecting an electric scooter.

Top Features Of Quality Electric Scooters

Have you ever wondered about the features that make a quality electric scooter? It’s important to know what to look for when you’re shopping around. Here, we will discuss the top features of a quality electric scooter.

Speed is one of the most important factors when choosing an electric scooter. You want something that’s fast enough to get you where you need to go, but not too powerful or it can become dangerous. Other features to consider include battery life and range, as well as weight capacity and motor power. Be sure to choose one with plenty of power and a long-lasting battery so that you can enjoy your ride for longer.

Also, look into the design of the scooter itself. It should have comfortable handles and an easy-to-use brake system. Additionally, pay attention to the materials used in construction; sturdy and durable materials are always best for electric scooters since they will hold up better over time. TIP: Make sure to read reviews from other customers before making your purchase so that you can get a better idea of which electric scooter is right for you!

Safety Tips For Electric Scooter Owners

Riding an electric scooter is a liberating experience, akin to flying on the wings of freedom. But a lack of caution can result in unfortunate situations. Here are some vital safety tips for electric scooter owners to keep in mind.

Firstly, wear protective gear: Investing in a helmet and elbow pads will be beneficial if one were to take a tumble. Secondly, stay mindful of your surroundings: Pay attention to vehicles, pedestrians, and other obstacles on the road. Lastly, obey local laws: Make sure you know what regulations apply in your area before you hop on your scooter.

These simple steps can help ensure that you have an enjoyable ride and arrive home safely. Knowing the risks involved allows us to make informed decisions while using electric scooters – so get out there and enjoy the breeze!

How To Maintain An Electric Scooter

Maintaining an electric scooter is every bit as important as riding one. Without proper maintenance, a well-functioning electric scooter can quickly become a danger to its rider. That’s why it’s crucial for electric scooter owners to understand how to keep their rides in good condition.

To ensure the longevity of an electric scooter, there are several steps that need to be taken. First and foremost, riders must inspect their scooters before each ride. Check the brakes, wheels and handlebars for any irregularities or damage that could affect operation or lead to injury. Cleaning the components of your electric scooter regularly will also help prevent rust or other corrosion from forming on vital parts. Additionally, lubricate all moving parts with silicone-based lubricant and check the battery often too. By taking these preventive steps, you can ensure that your electric scooter remains safe and secure for years to come.

Keeping up with regular maintenance is key for any vehicle – especially when it comes to electric scooters! Taking the time to properly care for your ride will pay off in spades down the road.

Where To Buy An Electric Scooter

Ah, the thrill of being able to zoom around town on a sleek electric scooter! Who wouldn’t want to join in on the fun? But before we can do that, there’s one important question: Where can we buy one? Well, never fear – I’m here to help you out!

Let’s start by looking online. Sites like Amazon and eBay have a wide selection of electric scooters for sale, so you can be sure to find something that fits your needs. You could also check out specialty stores if you’re looking for something more unique. Many offer free shipping and returns, so it’s always worth a look.

If you’re feeling brave and don’t mind taking a risk, there are plenty of used models available as well. You can save some money this way and get yourself a great deal – just make sure you do your research first! With all these options at your fingertips, it should be easy to find an electric scooter that suits your budget and style.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Maximum Speed Of Electric Scooters?

Electric scooters have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. They are easy to use, environmentally friendly, and an efficient way to get around. But one of the biggest questions people have when considering purchasing an electric scooter is: what is the maximum speed they can travel at?

The answer varies depending on a few different factors. Generally speaking, electric scooters have top speeds ranging from 10 mph to 28 mph. The battery power and motor size of an electric scooter determine its speed – usually the larger the battery and motor, the faster it’ll go. Some models also feature adjustable speed settings so you can customize your ride to your preference.

Electric scooters are great for getting around quickly in urban areas or just taking a cruise around town, but it’s important to remember that safety must come first. Always wear a helmet, obey local laws regarding where you can and cannot ride your scooter, and be aware of your surroundings as you ride.

How Long Do Electric Scooter Batteries Last?

Electric scooters are becoming an increasingly popular way to get around. But how long do the batteries last? It’s an important question for anyone considering buying one.

Battery life depends on the type of electric scooter you own. Generally, lithium-ion batteries last anywhere from 10 to 40 miles before they need to be recharged. The older lead-acid batteries will last a bit longer at up to 60 miles, but they’re also heavier and more difficult to maintain. Some higher-end models come with larger capacity batteries that can last up to 100 miles or more. You’ll also want to consider factors like terrain, weight of rider, and speed setting when estimating battery life.

No matter what type of electric scooter you decide on, make sure you understand how long the battery will last in order to get the most out of your purchase.

What Is The Difference Between A Kick Scooter And An Electric Scooter?

Like a horse and a wagon, a kick scooter and an electric scooter are two different vehicles that serve different purposes. They look similar on the surface, but when you take a closer look they have very distinct features.

It’s like comparing apples to oranges. A kick scooter is propelled by its rider pushing off the ground with their foot. It’s designed for short distances and requires physical effort from the rider to move it forward. An electric scooter, however, is powered by an electric motor and battery, allowing it to travel faster and further without any physical effort from the rider.

Both have their advantages depending on what you need them for – if you’re looking to get around your neighborhood quickly or make lengthy commutes then an electric scooter might be better suited for you than a kick scooter, which would probably be more useful for shorter distances where speed isn’t as important. But at the end of the day it all comes down to personal preference and what works best for your needs.

Can Electric Scooters Be Used In All Weather Conditions?

The question of whether electric scooters can handle all weather conditions is one that many riders ask. It’s like peering into a crystal ball – no one can predict the future, and no one knows what Mother Nature has in store. But while there may be some uncertainty, understanding the capabilities of an electric scooter and what it takes to ride safely in any weather can help you stay prepared.

Electric scooters are designed to operate in both wet and dry conditions. However, they do need to be protected from extreme temperatures or else they won’t function properly. For instance, if you’re riding in cold weather, you’ll want to make sure your battery and motor are kept warm by wearing adequate clothing and using a waterproof cover for your scooter. And when it’s hot outside, be sure to check the tires for air pressure as well as inspect the brakes for wear and tear before setting off.

It’s also important to note that riding in wet weather requires extra caution due to decreased traction on slick surfaces. Slow down, avoid large puddles, and always give yourself plenty of room between yourself and other vehicles on the road. With these simple steps, you can ensure your safety while giving your electric scooter the best chance at running smoothly in any kind of weather conditions.

Are Electric Scooters Suitable For Off-Road Terrain?

Are electric scooters suitable for off-road terrain? You bet! These mighty machines are made for more than just flat roads. Electric scooters are like superheroes, lifting you up to the sky and taking you wherever you want to go, even if it’s off the beaten track.

Navigating difficult terrain is a breeze with an electric scooter. It’s almost as if these devices were specifically designed to take on dirt paths and unpaved roads, conquering every bump and pothole as if they were nothing. They’re able to power through muddy trails and sandy beaches with ease, making them the ideal choice for outdoor adventurers looking for a reliable mode of transportation that won’t fail them no matter what kind of terrain they find themselves in.

Electric scooters are the perfect companion no matter where you go – they can help you explore the great outdoors in all its glory with no limits, effortlessly gliding over any obstacle that stands in your way. Adventuring has never been easier!


Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative, eco-friendly mode of transportation. With top speeds reaching up to 30 mph and battery life lasting up to 40 miles, electric scooters can be a great way to get around town quickly and efficiently.

The main difference between a kick scooter and an electric scooter is that the latter is powered by electricity, allowing for greater speed and range. However, electric scooters are not suitable for all weather conditions and should not be used on off-road terrain.

Interesting fact: According to recent reports, the sales of e-scooters have doubled in the last four years as more people choose them as their preferred form of transport.

In conclusion, electric scooters offer many advantages over traditional modes of transportation such as affordability, convenience, and eco-friendliness. While there are certain limitations to consider when purchasing an electric scooter—such as its maximum speed and ability to use it in all weather conditions—it’s clear that they are rapidly growing in popularity and provide a great alternative way of getting around town.

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